L/P Longline Reels

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28" Super Mini Spools

Three new models of this reel are available, 28” Diameter x 24”, 36” & 48” spool width. This new reel design has the same ruggedness and quality construction as our larger longline reels. These reels fill the gap for vessels not having the space for our Super Spool III monofilament spools but requiring more capacity than solid end plate reels can offer. These reels offer an impressive list of standard features that have made Lindgren-Pitman the premier manufacturer of industrial fishing equipment and accessories.


  • Direct Drive High Efficiency Hydraulic Motor with Integrated Cross Port Relief
  • Stainless Steel Free Spool Ball Valve
  • Aluminum Construction
  • Grease Free Level Winder with Guard
  • Stainless Steel Shaft
  • Drive Coupling Grease System
  • High-Tech Solid Cast Aluminum End Plates
  • Epoxy Paint
  • Heavy-Duty Formed Tube Stand
Order Description:
L/P   28 by (Length) Longline Reel

Ordering Note:
These reels are ordered as needed. Please contact SNL Corporation for current availably.

Additional Information:
Reel Size and Dimensions.
Hydraulic Schematic 
40" Super Spool III Longline Reels

The new Super Spool III is designed specifically with monofilament line in mind. With a larger 22-inch core, the Super Spool III evenly distributes the pressure on the monofilament line - lowering stress when the line is stored. In the end, it means the monofilament will outlast line on other longline spools and reduce replacement costs. Lindgren-Pitman’s latest technology has eliminated welds between the end plates and the core to create a stronger longline spool with smoother hauling.


  • Improved Hydraulics
  • Larger Spool Core
  • Innovative Construction
  • High-Tech Solid Cast Aluminum End Plates
  • Level Winder with Guard
  • Stainless Steel Shaft Assembly
  • Heavy-Duty Shaft Bearing
  • Heavy-Duty Formed Tube Stand
  • Line Setter Control
Order Description:
L/P   40 by (Length) Longline Reel

Ordering Note:
These reels are ordered as needed. Please contact SNL Corporation for current availably.

Additional Information:
Reel Size and Dimensions
48 x 80 Super Spool III Longline Reel

The new Super Spool III is designed specifically with monofilament line in mind. With a larger 30-inch core, the 48" x 80" Super Spool III evenly distributes the pressure on the monofilament line - lowering stress when the line is stored. In the end, this means the monofilament will outlast line on other longline spools and reduce replacement costs. Lindgren-Pitman’s latest technology has eliminated welds between the end plates and the core to create a stronger longline spool with smoother hauling.


  • Improved Hydraulics
  • Larger Spool Core
  • Innovative Construction
  • Solid Cast Aluminum End Plates
  • Level Winder with Guard
  • Stainless Steel Shaft Assembly
  • Heavy-Duty Shaft Bearing
  • Heavy-Duty Formed Tube Stand
  • Line Setter Control
Order Description:
L/P   40 by (Length) Longline Reel

Ordering Note:
These reels are ordered as needed. Please contact SNL Corporation for current availably.

Additional Information:
Reel Size and Dimensions