Exsum Monofilament

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5 lb. Spools Clear
5 lb. Spool Exsum Monofilament Premium nylon monofilament, featuring high knot and wet  strength. Superior abrasion resistance. Soft nylon monofilament characteristics with low memory Order Description:
5 lb. Clear Exsum Monofilament
(Please specify size when ordering)
Stocked Test Length per 5 lb. Spool
25 lb. 16,400 yards
30 lb. 12,000 yards
40 lb. 9600 yards
50 lb. 5800 yards
60 lb. 5400 yards
80 lb.  4000 yards
100 lb. 2800 yards
130 lb. 2400 yards
150 lb. 1920 yards
200 lb. 1680 yards
5 lb. Spools Pink
Premium nylon monofilament, featuring high knot and wet  strength. Superior abrasion resistance. Soft nylon monofilament characteristics with low memory Order Description:
5 lb. Pink Exsum Monofilament
(Please specify size when ordering)
Stocked Test Length per 5 lb. Spool
30 lb. 12,000 yards
40 lb. 9600 yards
50 lb. 5800 yards
60 lb. 5400 yards
80 lb. 4000 yards
100 lb. 2800 yards
130 lb. 2400 yards
150 lb. 1920 yards
200 lb 1680 yrards
5 lb. Spools Rainbow
Premium nylon monofilament, featuring high knot and wet  strength. Superior abrasion resistance. Soft nylon monofilament characteristics with low memory Order Description:
5 lb. Rainbow Exsum Monofilament
(Please specify size when ordering)
Stocked Test Length per 5 lb. Spool
60 lb. 5400 yards
80 lb. 4000 yards
100 lb. 2800 yards
130 lb. 2400 yards
150 lb. 1920 yards
200 lb. 1680 yards
2 lb. Clear Exsum Monofilament
5 lb. Spool Exsum Monofilament Premium nylon monofilament, featuring high knot and wet  strength. Superior abrasion resistance. Soft nylon monofilament characteristics with low memory Order Description:
2 lb. Clear Exsum Monofilament
(Please specify size when ordering)
Stocked Test Length per 2 lb. Spool
150 lb. 768 yards
200 lb. 672 yards
2 lb. Rainbow Exsum Monofilament
Premium nylon monofilament, featuring high knot and wet  strength. Superior abrasion resistance. Soft nylon monofilament characteristics with low memory Order Description:
2 lb. Rainbow Exsum Monofilament
(Please specify size when ordering)
Stocked Test Length per 2 lb. Spool
60 lb. 2160 yards
80 lb. 1600 yards
100 lb. 1120 yards
130 lb. 960 yards
150 lb. 768 yards
200 lb. 672 yards
1 lb. Clear Exsum Monofilament
5 lb. Spool Exsum Monofilament Premium nylon monofilament, featuring high knot and wet  strength. Superior abrasion resistance. Soft nylon monofilament characteristics with low memory Order Description:
1 lb. Clear Exsum Monofilament
(Please specify size when ordering)
Stocked Test Length per 1 lb. Spool
150 lb. 384 yards
200 lb. 336 yards
1 lb. Pink Exsum Monofilament
Premium nylon monofilament, featuring high knot and wet  strength. Superior abrasion resistance. Soft nylon monofilament characteristics with low memory Order Description:
1 lb. Pink Exsum Monofilament
(Please specify size when ordering)
Stocked Test Length per 1 lb. Spool
100 lb. 560 yards
130 lb. 480 yards
250 lb. 240 yards