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Olde Salty Planers
Made from  18-8 non-tarnishing and non-corroding stainless steel. Designed to trip on the strike to permit free play of fish without drag. 2 and 3 ounce sizes are suitable for use with trolling rods. Larger sizes designed for hand lines. Available in the following sizes: 2 oz., 3 oz., 4 oz., 6 oz., 8 oz., 12 oz., 16 oz., 24 oz., and 32 oz..   Order Description:
Olde Salty Planers
(Please Specify Size when ordering)
Replacement Bar and Weights
Replacement stainless steel bar and lead weight. Available in sizes 12 oz., 16 oz. and 24 oz.   Order Description:
Planer Bar and Weight
(Please Specify Size when ordering)
Pre Made Planer Cables
Constructed from 5/64" (700 lb. test) stainless steel aircraft cable with Rosco 6/0-37 snap swivels. Double Crimped. Stocked in the following lengths: 10ft., 15 ft., 20 ft., 25 ft., 30 ft., 40 ft., 50 ft., and 60 ft.  Custom lengths available. Please contact SNL Corporation for information.   Order Description:
Pre Made Planer Cable
(Please Specify Length when ordering)
Replacement Brass Rings
3/4" ( for 16oz, 24 oz and 32 oz.)and 1/2" (8 oz and 12 oz.)  Brass Replacement Ring.   Order Description:
Brass Planer Rings
(Please Specify Size when ordering)