US Coast Guard Requirements


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Source: United States Coast Guard Seventh District Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Equipment Requirements  January 1997 

Please Note: This list is not complete. It is intended to be used as a guide only. For current USCG requirements please contact your local USCG Marine Safety Officer (MSO). 

Personal Flotation Devices
Ring Life Buoys 
Survival Craft
Lifesaving Equipment Markings 
Distress Signals
Fire Extinguishers 
FCC Ship Radio Station License 
Requirements of the Magnuson Act 
Sound Producing Device 
First Aid 
Navigational Information 
Radar Reflector 
High Water Alarms 
Electronic Position Fixing Devices 

Personal Flotation Devices (PFD's) 

46 CFR 28.110 
Applies To:  All Commercial fishing Vessels 

Requirements for documented Vessels 

Operated seaward of the boundary line and North of 32N Latitude: One immersion suit for each person on board. 

Operated in all other waters:         Vessels under 40 feet, One Type I, II, III, V commercial hybrid, or immersion suit for each person on board. 

Vessels 40 feet or more, on Type I, V commercial hybrid, or immersion suit for each person on board. 

Requirements for undocumented Vessels

Operated beyond 3 NM during "Cold" waters: One immersion suit for each person on board. 

Operated in all other waters: Vessels under 40 feet, One Type I, II, III, V commercial hybrid, or immersion suit for each person on board. 

Vessels 40 feet or more, on Type I, V commercial hybrid, or immersion suit for each person on board. 

Acceptability Requirements:

Must be stowed readily accessible for use.

When operating beyond the boundary line, equipped with one approved PFD light (160.012) on each suit or PFD 

Minimum of 31 square inches of retroflective material  on front and back. 

Marked with name of vessel, Name of PFD Owner or name of person assigned to wear PFD. 

SNL Items meeting the above requirements. 

Immersion suit: Stearns Immersion Suit 

Type I PFD: Stearns ILJ100(Adult)  and         ILJ101 (Childs) PFD- Tape included. 
                                     Jim Buoy 601T (Adult) and 603T (Child)- Tape included.

160.012  Approved Lights:  ACR "C" Light 
                                                             ACR "C" Strobe 
                                                             PML Cylume Light. 


Retroflective Tape:  2" Bulk Rolls 
                                                ACR RMK-1 Individual packs- Meets requirements for one jacket.

Ring Life Buoys

46 CFR 28.115
Applies To:  All Commercial fishing vessels 16 feet and over. 

Type Required: 

Vessels under 16 feet: None required. 

Vessels 16 feet to less than 26 feet:         One cushion or ring. 

Vessels 26 feet to less than 65 feet:         One Orange ring. 

Vessels 65 feet or more: Three orange rings. 

Acceptability Requirements: 

Vessels 16 to less than 26 feet, one 20 inch or larger orange ring with 60 feet of line or Type IV throwable cushion. 

Vessels 26 feet to less than 65 feet, one 24 inch orange ring with 60 feet of line.  

Vessels 65 feet or more, three 24 inch orange rings with at least one ring having 90 feet of line. 


  1. If a type IV throwable cushion is used on vessels 16 feet to less than 26 feet, no retroflective material or line is required. 
  2. Life rings may be painted orange so long as the Coast Guard approval information is not covered or obscured. 
  3. Strips of Type II retroreflective material, approximately 2 inches wide, should be applied around the ring at four evenly spaced points. 
  4. Name of vessel, or state number if vessel not named required on all throw rings and cushions. 

SNL Items meeting above requirements.

Throw Rings: Datrex 24" Hard Shell Throw Ring with Tape 
                              Jim Buoy 24" Soft Shell Throw Ring with Tape 
                              Jim Buoy 30" Soft Shell Throw Ring with Tape 

Survival Craft 

46 CFR 28 120 
Applies to:  All commercial fishing vessels, with these two exceptions      
  1. None required for vessels with less than 4 individuals on board which operates within 12 miles of the coastline. 
  2. None required for vessels under 36 feet with builder-certified positive flotation operated within 12 NM of the coast. 

Acceptability Requirements

Total survival craft must be able to accommodate all individuals on board. 

Inflatable liferafts must have one of the following equipment packs. Containers will be marked on their exterior:
                Coastal Service
                Solas B
                Solas A


An approved lifeboat may be substituted for a survival craft.

An auxiliary craft carried on board a vessel, which is necessary to normal fishing operations, may be used to satisfy all requirements for survival craft, except for an inflatable liferaft.

Survival Craft for Documented Vessels

Operating Area Vessels Craft Required
Beyond 50 miles of coast Line All Inflatable liferaft with Solas A Pack
Between 20 and 50 miles of coast line in Cold Waters All Inflatable liferaft with Solas B Pack
Between 20 and 50 miles of Coast line in Warm Water All Inflatable liferaft with Coastal Service Pack 
Beyond the Boundary Line but within 20 miles off the coast line in Cold Water All** (See Note Below) Inflatable liferaft with Coastal Service Pack
Beyond the boundary line but within 20 miles in warm water All Life Float
Inside the Boundary Line or on lakes, bays sounds or rivers in Cold Water 36 feet or more Inflatable buoyant apparatus
Inside the Boundary Line or on lakes, bays sounds or rivers in Cold Water less than 36 feet None Required
Inside the Boundary Line or on lakes, bays sounds or rivers in Warm Water All None Required

Survival Craft for Undocumented vessels with not more than 16 individuals on board.

Operating Area Vessels Craft Required
Beyond 20 miles of coast line All Inflatable buoyant apparatus
Beyond the Boundary line but within 20 miles of the coast line in Cold Water All Inflatable buoyant apparatus
Beyond the Boundary line but within 20 miles of the coast line in warm water. All Life Float
Inside the Boundary line or on lakes, bays, sounds or rivers in Cold Water 36 feet or more Buoyant Apparatus
Inside the Boundary line or on lakes, bays, sounds or rivers in Cold Water  Less than 36 feet None Required
Inside the Boundary line or on lakes, bays, sounds or rivers in Warm Waters All None Required


  1. Each inflatable liferaft required to be equipped with a Solas A or B equipment pack must be stowed to float free and automatically inflate if the vessel sinks.
  2. Each inflatable liferaft, inflatable buoyant apparatus, and any auxiliary craft used in their place, must be kept readily accessible for launching or be stowed so as to float free in the event the vessel sinks.
  3. Inflatable liferafts and buoyant apparatus must be serviced annually at a facility approved by the Commandant.
  4. If a life float is required, it needs to have a waterlight (161.010) and a 100 ft. sea painter connected to a weak link to the vessel.
  5. The hierarchy of survival craft in descending order is lifeboat, inflatable liferaft with Solas A Pack, inflatable liferaft with Solas B Pack, inflatable liferaft with Coastal service pack, inflatable buoyant apparatus, life float. A survival craft higher in the hierarchy may be substituted for any survival craft required in the table.
  6. **46 USC 4506 (b) exempts vessels less than 36 feet with floatation that meets 33 CFR 183, and not operating on the high seas (12NM) from this requirement.

SNL Items meeting above requirements.

Inflatable Liferaft with Solas A Pack

Inflatable Liferaft with Solas B Pack

Inflatable Liferaft with Coastal Service Pack

Life Float: Jim Buoy Life Float

Sea Painters: Jim Buoy Painter and Break-away link

Waterlight: ACR Man-over-board Light

Lifesaving Equipment Markings

46 CFR 28.135
Applies To: All Commercial Fishing Vessels


Block CAPITAL letters must be used to mark all lifesaving equipment.        

PFD's must be marked with one of the following

  1. Name of vessel or state number if not named.

  2. Name of Owner of PFD

  3. Name of person assigned to wear the PFD

Retroreflective markings will be as appropriate (See chart Below)

Equipment Markings Retroreflective Material
Wearable PFD Yes (Note 1) Type I or II
Ring life buoy Yes (Note 2) Type II
Inflatable buoyant apparatus Yes (Note 3) Type II
Life Float Yes (Note 3)  Type II
Buoyant apparatus  Yes (Note 2)  Type II
Auxiliary craft  Yes (Note2)  Type II
EPIRB Yes (Note 2)  Type II


  1. Name of vessel, name of PFD owner or name of person assigned to wear PFD.
  2. Name of vessel, or state number if vessel not named. 
  3. No marking required, other than provided by manufacturer and servicing facility. 

SNL Items meeting above requirements.

Type II Reflective Tape:  ACR RMK 1 Individual Packs 
                                                        Bulk SOLAS Tape 

Distress Signals

46 CFR 28.145 
Applies to:       All commercial fishing vessels operating in coastal waters and waters beyond the Boundary Line.


Inland Waters: None Required. (Check for State Requirements) 

Coastal Waters: Three approved recreational flares (160.021, 160.024, 160.036 or 160.066) would meet both the day and night requirements. 

          Three parachute flares (160.024 or 160.036) 
          Three Hand-held flares (160.021) 
          Three smoke signals (160.037) or 
          one Distress Flag (160.072) 

          Three parachute flares (160.024 or 160.036) 
          Three hand held flares (160.021)  or 
          One Distress Light (161.013)

Ocean Waters, 3 to 50 NM from the coast.

Three parachute flares (160.036 or 160.136) 
          Six hand-held flares (160.021) or 160.121) and 
          Three smoke signals (160.022, 160.122 or 160.037)

Ocean Waters, more than 50 NM from the coast.

Three parachute flares (160.136) 
          Six hand-held flares (160.121), and 
          Three smoke signals (160.122) 

SNL Items meeting above requirements.

3 to 50 Mile Flare Kit 

50+ Mile Flare Kit 

Note: Special shipping requirements. Please call SNL Corporation for details. 


46 CFR 28.150
      46 CFR 25.26
Applies to:  All commercial fishing vessels operating on the high seas or Great Lakes, more then three NM from shore. 


Vessels 36 feet or more in length: One Category 1, float free, automatically activated, 121.5/406 MHZ EPIRB. 

Vessels less  than 36 feet in length or any vessel with builder-certified positive flotation. 

One Category 1, float free, automatically activated, 121.5/406 MHz EPIRB, or 

One Category 2, manually activated, 121.5/406 MHz EPIRB.


  1. EPIRB's must be tested immediately after installation and at least ONCE EACH MONTH thereafter (46 CFR 28.140 / 46 CFR 25.26-50) 
  2. All EPIRB's  must be registered with NOAA (47 CFR 80.1061). NOAA registration decals should be attached to the EPIRB, not the protective casing. 
  3. All EPIRB's should be listed on the vessel's FCC Ship Station License.
  4. Exception: A skiff or work boat is not required to carry an EPIRB if, its "mother ship" is required to carry an EPIRB, and the skiff or work boat is carried on board the mother ship (i.e. not in use)

SNL Items meeting above requirements.

Automatic Deployable 121.5/406 EPIRBS:  ACR 2774 
                                                                                       McMurdo Automatic EPIRB

Manually Deployable 121.5/406 EPIRBS: ACR 2775 
                                                                                    McMurdo Manual EPIRB 

Fire Extinguishers

46 CFR 28.160
Applies to: All commercial fishing vessels (Except some outboard boats of open construction less than 26 feet in length 


Vessels under 26 feet:  One B-1 
        Vessels 26 feet to under 40 feet: Two B-1
        Vessels 40 feet to under 65 feet: Three B-1 

Vessels over 65 Feet: 

Safety Areas and Communicating Corridors: One A-II in each main corridor, not more that 150 feet apart. 

          Pilot House: Two C-1 in vicinity of exits. 

Galley and service areas: One B-II or C-II for each 2500 sq. ft. 

Paint Lockers: One B-II outside, near exit. 

Accessible baggage and Storeroom: One A-II for each 2500 sq. ft in the vicinity of exits, either inside or outside. 

Work shops or similar space: One A-11 outside near exit. 

Machinery spaces: One B-II for each 1000 BHP but not less than two or more than six B-II's 

Electrical propulsion of generator unit: One C-II for each motor generator unit (of open type) 

Auxiliary space: One B-II outside near exit. 

Internal combustion machinery: One B-II outside near exit

Electrical emergency motors or generators: One C-II outside near exit.

  1. All fire extinguishers must be identified by the following marking (decal): Marine Type USCG Approved, Size ... Type... 162.028. Underwriters Laboratory (U.L.), fire extinguishers are acceptable if they are approved for "Marine use" 
  2. All fire extinguishers must have a bracket. 
  3. One B-II extinguisher may be substituted where two B-I's are required. One C-II extinguisher may be substituted where C-I is required. 
  4. An installed fire fighting system (approved) may be substituted for one B-I 


Applies To: All Commercial Fishing Vessels. 

Injury Placard 

46 CFR 28.165


Must be at least 5" x 7" 

Must be posted in a highly visible location, accessible to the crew. 




United States Law, 46 United States Code 10603, Requires each seaman on fishing vessel, fish processing vessel, or fish tender vessel to notify the master or individual in charge of the vessel or other agent of the employer regarding any illness, disability, or injury suffered by the seaman when in service to the vessel not later than seven days after the date on which the illness, disability, or injury arose. 

Oil Pollution Placard 

33 CFR 155.450 
Applies to: All vessels, 26 feet or more in Length 
Acceptability Requirements:      
  • There must be at least one placard aboard. 

  • Placard must be at least 5 x 8 inches 

  • It must be made of a durable material. 

  • Written in a language that the crew understands.

  • Must be permanently affixed in the Machinery Space or near the Bilge Pump operating switch. 



The Federal water pollution control act prohibits the discharge of oil or oily waste into or upon the Navigable Waters of the United States or the waters of the Contiguous zone if such discharge causes a film of sheen upon or discoloration of the surface of the water or causes a sludge or emulsion beneath the surface of the water. Violators are subject to substantial civil penalties and/ or criminal sanctions including fines or imprisonment. 

Garbage Placard

33 CFR 151.59 

Acceptability Requirements:

Sufficient number so as to be read by the crew & passengers. 
        Displayed in prominent locations. 
        At least 4 x 9 inches in size. 
        Letters at least 1/8" high. 
        Made of durable material. 


Wording is not mandatory, but placards must notify the reader that:

  1. The discharge of plastic or garbage mixed with plastic into any waters is prohibited. 
  2. The discharge of all garbage is prohibited in the navigable waters of the United States and, in all other waters. within three nautical miles of the nearest land. 
  3. The discharge of  dunnage, lining, and packing materials that float is prohibited within 25 nautical miles of the nearest land. 
  4. Other unground garbage may be discharged beyond 12 nautical miles from the nearest land. 
  5. A person who violated the above requirements is liable for a civil penalty of up to $25,000, a fine of up to $50,000 and imprisonment for up to five years for each violation 
  6. Regional state, and local restrictions on garbage discharges also may apply.

SNL Items that meet above Requirements.

Plastic Placards.

FCC Ship Radio Station License

47 CFR 80.405
Applies To: All vessels with radio transmitting equipment.

Acceptability Requirements:

  1. Original Station License must be on board.
  2. Name/Number of vessel correct
  3. License not expired.
  4. License lists authorized frequencies.
  5. License stamped with the FCC Seal.
  6. Licensee listed, the current owner or manager of the vessel.


  1. The current station license or a clearly legible copy must be posted at the principal control point of each station. If copy is posted, it must indicate the location of the original.
  2. FCC Radio Licenses are renewed every 10 years. All radio transmitting equipment, including EPIRBS should appear on the license. Updated licenses should be obtained whenever the type or quantity of radio transmitting equipment changes.
  3. Individuals are not required to have a personal operators permit as long as the vessel does not dock in a foreign port, or leave from a foreign port to dock in a US port.
  4. If a Ship Radio License has just recently been applied for, a vessel should have a copy of FCC form 506-A for use as a temporary permit.

Application Procedures:

Use FCC form 506 to apply for a new or modified Ship Radio Station License. Application forms can be obtained by calling the FCC Forms Distribution Center at (202) 418-3676.

Or contact your local MSO Office (7th district  305-536-6750)


33 CFR 173 
Applies to:       All undocumented (State registered) fishing vessels that are equipped with propulsion machinery. 


A valid state certificate of numbers must be aboard vessel whenever underway. The certificate may be the original, a temporary or an official duplicate. 

Numbers painted or permanently attached to each side of the forward half of the vessel. Numbers must be 3" BLOCK characters in a color contrasting with the background and reading left to right. Spaces the width of a letter must be placed between the letters and numbers as shown in the example. 

example: FL  1234  AB


Requirements of the Magnuson Act 

50 CFR 620.7
Applies to:       Vessels permitted to fish for a federally regulated species in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the United States. 


Vessels over 25 feet in length must display: 

The Coast Guard Official Number or State registry number on both sides of the deckhouse and on an appropriate weather deck. 

Numerals must be block Arabic and: 

  1. 10 inches high for vessels greater than 25 feet up to 65 feet: 
  2. 18 inches high for vessels greater that 65 feet. 

To Assist Coast Guard Boarding Officers with conducting fishery inspections and to facilitate a safe boarding, the following guidelines must be adhered to: 

  1. The operator must stop the vessel when directed to do so. 
  2. The operator of a vessel who does not understand a signal from an enforcement unit must consider the signal to be an order to stop. 
  3. The operator must provide a safe boarding ladder if the vessel has more than four feet of freeboard. 
  4. The operator must illuminate the boarding ladder when directed. 
  5. The operator must provide a man-rope or safety line when directed. 

Sound Producing Device

33 USC 2033
      COLREGS 33
Applies To: All commercial fishing vessels. 


Vessels less than 39.4 feet (12 Meters) must have: Some means of producing an efficient sound. No bell is required. 

Vessels 39.4 feet to less than 65.6 feet (12 to less than 20 meters) must have: A whistle or horn audible for 0.5 mile, and a bell 7.9 inches or greater in diameter. 

Vessels 65.6 feet to 246.1 Feet (20 to 75 meters) must have: A whistle audible for 1 mile, and a bell 11.8 inches or greater in diameter. 

Acceptability Requirements: 

Good and serviceable 

Audible for required distance 

An automatic bell must have a manual backup.  (Note: the bell does not have to be mounted. It must be on board the vessel and accessible. ) 

First Aid Equipment and Training 

46 CFR 28.210
Applies to:       All documented commercial fishing vessels that operate beyond the Boundary Line or with more than 16 POB. 


First Aid Manual 

Medicine Chest

Persons trained and certified in first aid or CPR as follows. 

Total POB Persons First Aid  Certified CPR 
More than 2 POB  1 1
More than 16 POB 2 2
More than 49 POB 4 4
Note: An individual certified in both first aid and CPR may be counted against both requirements. 


First Aid Manual and medicine chest must be of a size suitable for the number of persons on board and readily accessible. 

A certificate indicating completion of: 

Acceptable First Aid courses (provided by the American National Red Cross or other Coast Guard approved course. 

Acceptable CPR certificates (provided by the American Heart Association, American National Red Cross or other Coast Guard approved course).

Note: The regulation requires initial certification only. While not required, annual recertification is strongly encouraged. 

Navigational Information 

46 CFR 28.225 
Applies to: All Documented commercial fishing vessels that operate beyond the Boundary line or with more than 16 POB


Each vessel must have:

Marine charts of the area to be transited. 

For the area, a copy of, or extract of the following publications

  1. US Coast Guard Pilot 
  2. Coast Guard Light List
  3. Tide Tables 
  4. Tidal Current Tables 
  5. A copy of the Inland Navigation Rules (For Vessels of 39.4 feet or more operating shoreward o the COLREG Demarcation Line. 


Charts should be of large enough scale to safely navigate the area and be currently correct. 


  1. Some Commercial sources have combined all these required books into one publication: At this time, the current editions of the Reed's "Captain Pack" has been accepted by the Seventh CG District. 
  2. The public may purchase a copy of the Inland Navigation Rules or Coast Guard Light List book by phone at (202) 783-3238, by mail at Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, or by direct purchase from Government Printing Office Bookstores located in Washington, DC, Boston, MA, Laurel, MD and Philadelphia, PA.  
  3. All other documents should be available through your local NOS (National Ocean Service) dealer, Local marine outlet or Nautical Store. 


46 CFR 28.230 
Applies To: All documented commercial fishing vessels that operate beyond the Boundary Line or with more than 16 POB. 


Magnetic Steering Compass
        Compass deviation table. 


Compass must be operable and a deviation table be posted at the operating station. 

SNL Items meeting the above Requirement: 



46 CFR 28.235 
Applies to:       All documented commercial fishing vessels that operate beyond the Boundary Line or with more than 16 POB 


Anchor with chain, cable or rope, appropriate for the vessel and waters.

SNL Items meeting the above requirements.

        Anchor size Chart. 

Radar Reflectors 

46 CFR 28.235
Applies to:       All documented commercial fishing vessels that have a nonmetallic hull and operate beyond the Boundary Line or with more than 16 POB. 


Radar Reflector:

Note: A vessel rigged with gear that provides a radar signature at 6NM distance is not required to have a radar reflector. 

SNL Items meeting the above requirements.

Radar Reflectors 

High Water Alarms

46 CFR 28.250
Applies To: All documented commercial fishing vessels 36 feet or more in length that operate beyond the Boundary Line or with more than 16 POB


A visual and audible alarm at the operating station to indicate high water levels in normally unmanned spaces 


The following spaces should be included as appropriate: 

  1. A space with a thru-hull fitting below the deepest load waterline (such as a lazarette) 
  2. A machinery space bilge
  3. A bilge well 
  4. A shaft alley bilge. 
  5. A space subject to flooding from sea water piping. 
  6. A space with a non-watertight closure( Such as a fish hold covered with a non watertight deck hatch. 
  7. An unmanned engine room. 

SNL Items meeting the above requirements: 

SNL Light and buzzer unit

Electronic Position Fixing Device

46 CFR 28.260
Applies to:       All documented fishing vessels 79 feet or more in length that operate beyond the Boundary Line or with more than 16 POB 


Vessels must be equipped with at least one electronic position fixing device such as: 

SATNAV (Satellite Navigation)
      GPS (Global Position System) 
      LORAN: Long Range Aid to Navigation 
      RDF: Radio Directional Finder. 


The device must provide accurate fixes for the area in which the vessel operates.