Flare Kits

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Please Note: Flare kits have Special Shipping Requirements, and cannot be shipped from SNL Corporation. Please contact our sales staff for information on these requirements.

3 to 50 Mile Commercial Flare Kit
Contains all required flares to meet USCG requirement 46 CFR28.145 for commercial vessels operating in ocean waters from 3-50 nautical miles from coast. Kit contains (3) parachute flares, (6) hand held flares and (3) hand held smoke flares and a steel carrying case. (Ammo box) Order Description:
3-50 Mile Flare Kit
50 Plus Mile Commercial Flare Kit
Contains all required flares to meet USCG requirement 46 CFR 28.145 for commercial fishing vessels operating in ocean waters beyond 50 nautical miles. Kit contains (3) parachute flares, (6) high intensity hand held flares and (3) floating smoke flares, and a steel carrying case (Ammo box) Order Description:
50 Plus Mile Flare Kit