Pre-made Rigs

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Deep Drop Rigs
5 hook deep drop rig constructed using Mustad 39960D circle hooks. 250 lb. mainline and drops. Each drop is 4" long with 3" of glow tubing. Swivel and snap swivel for weight included. Order Description:
Deep Drop Rigs
(Please specify size when ordering)

Stocked in the following sizes:
8/0, 9/0, 10/0, 11/0, 12/0, and 13/0.
Other sizes available as special order items.
Whiting/Sandperch Rig
Whiting and Sandperch rig. Features 2 long shank #4 hooks with Dou-loc for sinker attachment and a #7 swivel for line attachment. Sold by the piece.12 rigs per case. Order Description:
Whiting/Sandperch Rig
Pompano Rigs
Tackle Crafters Pompano rig. Features 2 high carbon gold plated wide gap hooks with red beads. #7 swivel for line attachment and #6 dou-loc snap for lead. Sold by the piece. 12 rigs per case. Order Description:
Pompano Rigs.
Pompano Circle Pro
Tackle Crafters Pompano Circle Pro Rig. Features 2 high carbon 2/0 circle hooks with red beads and chartreuse/green barrel float. #7 swivel for line attachment and #6 dou-loc snap for lead. Sold by the rig.12 rigs per case. Order Description:
Pompano Circle Pro Rig
Pompano Pro Rig
Tackle Crafters Pompano Pro Rig. Features 2 high carbon gold plated wide gap hooks with red beads and chartreuse barrel float. #7 swivel for line attachment and #6 dou-loc snap for lead. Sold by the rig. 12 rigs per case. Order Description:
Pompano Pro Rig
Pompano Super Pro
Tackle Crafters Pompano Super Pro Rig. Features 3 carbon #1 stainless wide gap hooks with red beads and chartreuse /green barrel floats. #7 swivel for line attachment and #6 dou-loc snap for lead. Sold by the rig. 12 rigs per case Order Description:
Pompano Super Pro Rig
Snook Rig
Tackle Crafters Snook rig. Short shank 4/0 hook with 60 lb. test leader and #1 swivel. Sold by the rig. 12 rigs per case. Order Description:
Snook Rigs