Cast Nets

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Custom Cast Nets
Glass Minnow (3/8" Stretch) Cast Nets 

Panel net constructed from #69, 3/8" stretch monofilament material. 1 1/2 pound of lead per foot. Heavier nets available as special order. Tucks made from 130 lb. Test with 1 ¼ ". Copper horn. Tucks hand tied to lead line. Polypropylene hand line. Ball leads stocked

Stocked  Sizes

5 ft., 6 ft., 7 ft., and  8ft.

Made to Order Cast Nets Small Bait Cast Nets

Custom made cast net in any of the below meshes. Choose from Ball, Football, or long leads. On poly, nylon, poly-dacron or leadcore lead lines. Nets can be made in any sizes from 4 ft. to 12 ft in length.

For more information please contact SNL Corporation.

Mesh Size  Twine Size  Recommended For.
3/8" #69 Glass Minnows (Very small bait) 
1/2" #69 Small Bait 
3/4" #69  Small Bait 
1" #69 Fast sinking Bait Net 
1" #104 Stock Bait Net 
1 1/4" #104 Pogie/ Shad Net 
1 1/2" #139 Large Bait (Silver Mullet Net) 
1 3/4" #139 Small Mullet 
2" #177 Stock Mullet 
2" #208 Heavy Mullet Net 

Panel net constructed from #69, 3/4"" stretch monofilament material. 1 1/2 pound of lead per foot. Heavier nets available as special order. Tucks made from 130 lb. Test with 1 ¼" Copper horn. Tucks hand tied to lead line. Polypropylene hand line. Ball leads stocked

Available Sizes

5 ft., 6 ft., 7 ft., and 8ft.

Standard Bait Cast Nets 

Panel net constructed from #104, 1" stretch monofilament material. 1 pound of lead per foot. Heavier nets available as special order. Tucks made from 130 lb. Test with 1 ¼ ". Copper horn. Tucks hand tied to lead line. Polypropylene hand line. Ball leads stocked

Available Sizes

5 ft., 6 ft., 7 ft., 8ft., 9 ft., 10 ft. and 12 ft.

Lead Options

Ball Lead on Poly

Football Lead on Nylon

Football Lead on Poly-Dac

Long Lead on Poly Rope
Mullet Cast Nets 

Panel net constructed from #177, 2" stretch monofilament material. 1 pound of lead per foot. Heavier nets available as special order. Tucks made from 130 lb. Test with 1 ¼ lb. Copper horn. Tucks hand tied to lead line. Polypropylene hand line. Ball leads stocked

Available Sizes

5 ft., 6 ft., 7 ft., 8ft., 9 ft., 10 ft. and 12 ft.