Bait Buckets and Cages

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Gator 5 Quart Bait Buckets
Live bait bucket designed for dealers convenience. Submersible to keep live bait healthy longer. Yellow plastic lid. 7 ¾” diameter x 7”  Order Description:
5 Quart Bait Bucket
5 Gallon Bucket Lid
Gator 5 gallon bucket lid with door. Tough ABS plastic. Fits most standard 5 gallon buckets. Yellow in color with white door. Order Description:
5 Gallon Bucket Lid
Floating Bait Cage
Constructed from heavy-duty 9/16” hexagon nylon material. Weighted bottom ring. Foam float ring. Cone shaped opening allows baits to be added easily without losing baits already in the cage. Drawstring closes the cone. Large bait cage requires some assembling. Instructions included.
Available in the following sizes
Small: 20"x 24"
Medium: 35"x 25"
Large: 50"x 40"
Order Description:
Bait Cage
(Please specify size when ordering)