Oil Absorbent Pads

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Oil Pads
Universal cleaning material soaks up oil and gas but repels water. Designed to absorb 50% more oil based fluids than conventional oil absorbent pads with shredding or flaking. Great for bilge areas and engine rooms. Order Description:
Oil Pads
Bilge Absorbent
Manufactured from solid sheets of 100% blown polypropylene. It uses the "safety skin", a tough universal fabric the absorbs small amounts of water making the bilge absorbent fire resistant without interfering with its oil absorbency. This skin assures that the absorbent material will not get into the bilge and possibly foul moving parts. Order Description:
Roll Style Bilge Absorbent
Oil Pillows
3M Powersorb oil absorbent pillow. Used to clean-up and containment of petroleum based liquid deposits found in bilge water. Absorbs up to 19 times its weight (or more) depending on the petroleum based liquid being used. Will not sink. Order Description:
Oil Pillows