Victorinox Knives

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40100 Paring Knife

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3" Spear point, stainless steel blade, wood handle. Order Description:
40100 Victorinox Knife
40509 Paring Knife

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3" pointed tip, serrated edge stainless steel blade, Black handle. Order Description:
40509 Victorinox Knife
40601 Paring Knife (Straight edge)

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3" straight edge stainless steel blade, Red handle Order Description:
40601 Victorinox Knife
40605 Paring Knife (Serrated edge)

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3" serrated edge stainless steel blade. Red handle. Order Description:
40605 Victorinox Knife
40113- 6" Fillet Knife

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6" fillet knife, wide stiff blade. Rosewood handle. Order Description:
40113 Victorinox Knife
40114- 7" Fillet Knife

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7" fillet knife, wide stiff blade. Rosewood handle. Order Description:
40114 Victorinox Knife