Swordfish Lights

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Esca Lights

Esca® attractors weigh 7 grams. They can be used by themselves as a small jig, though they are  Esca unit best used together with spinners, jigs and bait, or in combination with squid for swordfish. Lure comes with attached treble hook which can be removed for rigging as a deepwater swordfish light or in deep drop applications. Order Description:
Esca Blinking Light
(Please specify model when ordering)

Stocked in the
 following  models:
Blue Multiblink
Blue Fading
Green Multiblink
Green Fading

Diamond Lights
Crushproof deep drop strobe light will withstand depths to 2500 ft. Light is activated on contact with water. Long battery life good for 320+ hours Order Description:
Diamond Lights
(Please specify color)

Stocked colors:
Green, Blue, Red, Purple and White
Power Lights
 Power Light is a commercial grade fishing light used primarily for swordfish. Designed for depths up to 1500 ft. Operated on two "AA" Batteries. Light is produced by three specially mounted LED’s to maximize the lighting effect while conserving battery power. Water activated.  Order Description:
Power Light

Stocked in the following colors
Single Color
Green , Blue
Two Color
Blue/Green, Blue/White, and Green/White
Three Color
Green/Blue/ Red and Green/Blue/White
Power Light Opener

Specially designed tool for opening power lights Order Description:
Power Light Opener
L/P Electrolumes
The Electrolume has emerged as the next generation of fishing lights. LED illumination means the Electralume doesn't fade overnight like chemical lights. With a battery life up to 500 hours, the Electralume offers a consistent high intensity illumination that out performs chemical lightsticks. The Electralume lasts longer and penetrates deeper into the water to catch more fish.
Electralumes are proven effective for swordfish, grouper, snapper, halibut, and other species that are attracted to light. The Electralume comes in a variety of colors including Green, Blue, Aqua, Purple, Red, and White. LP also offers multi colored Electralumes and a full spectrum version that flashes every color in the fish attracting spectrum.
Order Description:
L/P Electralumes
(Please Specify Color)

Stocked Colors:
Green, Blue, White, Red, Purple, Marti Gras, Rapid cycle Disco, and Slow cycle Disco.
Economically priced steady on swordfish/ deep drop light used for deep bottom and longline uses. Required one "AA" battery (not included). Replaceable bulb. Made in Japan Order Description:
K Light
(Please specify color)

Stocked Colors:
White, Green and Red
K-Light Replacement Parts



Replacement Bulb
  Order Description:
K-Light Replacement Base
K-Light Replacement Spring
K-Light Blinker Bulb.
K-Light Steady-on bulb.
Swordlight  Underwater Fish Attractor Light
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The new Swordlight is the only illuminated fish attractor designed specifically for offshore game fishing.  Created with the help of lighting Engineers, Marine Biologists, and most importantly - Professional Fisherman, Swordlight's technology is so unique it is currently in the process of being awarded a U.S. patent.  Swordlight comes complete and ready to fish right out of the box.

Check out these standard features!
  • Compact dual-tube light element - A full 40 watts of light in half the length. Current draw of 2.7 amps.
  • Built in weight system - Eliminates the need and expense of added weight.
  • 30 foot power/support cord - Gets down to where the fish are.
  • 33" overall length - Compact, durable, and easy to store
  • Weight: 8 lbs.
  • Certified leak proof housing to 11 atmospheres (330 ft.)
Order Description:
Swordlight Underwater Light

Stocked in White Only.

Other colors available as special order. (Green, Deep Purple, Blue/White, Green/White, Green/Blue
Platinum Underwater Lights
Platinum Lights Centro Platinum lights offers an economical alternative to high priced swordfish lights. 4 bright LED lights are powered by 2 AAA batteries. High impact plastic housing sealed by two O-rings provides a watertight housing to depths of over 1500 ft. Threaded base and top allows lights to be connected. Light comes complete with batteries and a 4" longline snaps with swivel. Light measures 5 1/2" long and 1 1/4" diameter. Order Description
Platinum Lights
(Please specify color when ordering)

Available in Green, Blue and Green/Blue