Longline Snaps

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5" Model 148 Longline Snap with swivel

148- 9/0-3/16

5 inch longline snap is constructed from 0.148" type 308 stainless steel spring wire. Common uses include US Tuna, Swordfish, and Shark leader applications. Sometimes referred to as the "Gorilla" snap.3/16" Nose. Available with an 8/0 or 9/0 Swivel. Order Description:
Model 148 Longline Snap
(Please Specify Swivel Size)
5" Model 148 Longline Snap without swivel
5 inch longline snap is constructed from 0.148" type 308 stainless steel spring wire. Common uses include crab and fish trap connection to a main retrieval line. Available with a 3/16" or 5/16" nose. Order Description:
Model 148-0 Longline Snap
(Please Specify Nose Size)
5" Model 120 Longline Snap with swivel
5 inch longline snap is constructed from 0.120" type 308 stainless steel spring wire. Common uses include buoy drop snaps, and US Tilefish and Grouper (120-6/0-3/16) leader applications. Order Description:
Model 120 Longline Snap
(Please Specify Swivel  Size)
5" Model 120 Longline Snap without swivel
5 inch longline snap is constructed from 0.120" type 308 stainless steel spring wire. Common uses include crab and fish trap connection to a main retrieval line. Available with a 3/16" or 5/16" nose Order Description:
Model 120-0 Longline Snap
(Please Specify Nose Size)
4" Model 4091 Longline Snap with swivel
4 inch longline snap constructed from 0.091" type  308 stainless steel spring wire. Common uses include Caribbean Tuna longline applications. Available with 4/0 swivel, 3/16" Nose Order Description:
Model 4091-4/0 Longline Snap
4" Model 4091 Longline Snap without swivel
4 inch longline snap constructed from 0.091" type 308 stainless steel spring wire. 3/16" nose Order Description:
Model 4091-0 Longline Snap
3" Longline Snap with swivel
3 inch longline snap constructed from 0.068" type 308 stainless steel spring wire. Common uses include Caribbean Tuna longline applications, and rod and reel swordfish applications. 3/16" nose.  Order Description:
3" Longline Snap with 4/0 Swivel
3" Longline Snap without swivel (Small branch hanger)
3" inch branch hanger constructed from 0.068" type 308 stainless steel spring wire. Looped eye (0.350" ID) will accommodate up to 11/32" Rope Order Description:
3" Mini Branch Hanger
5" Branch Hangers
5" inch branch hanger constructed from 0.068" type 308 stainless steel spring wire. Looped eye (0.575" ID) will accommodate up to 1/2" Rope. Common uses include blue crab trapping.  Available in 1/4" and 5/16" nose. Order Description:
5" Branch Hangers
(Please Specify Nose Size)