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Lindgren Pitman Manual Leader and Buoy Carts
Lindgren-Pitman leader and buoy carts feature changeable spools, hand crank operation, epoxy paint, and all aluminum construction and all stainless steel hardware. Choose between leader line spools and buoy drop spools. Stands and spools are sold separately

Available in the 24 x 26 Model (Shown) or the 24 x 13
Drawing of 24 x 13
Drawing of 24 x 26
  Order Description:
24 x 13 Leader Cart
24 x 26 Leader Cart
(Please specify types of spool required)
Lindgren Pitman Manual T-Stand Leader Cart
The T-Stand allows for two spools to be used simultaneously. Mix or match buoy and leader spools to suit your needs. Order Description:
T Stand Leader Cart
(Please specify types of spools required.)
Lindgren Pitman Hook Tub

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Lindgren Pitman hook tubs provide easy access and excellent storage for leaders. These tubs can be easily moved about the boat. Both the tuba and its custom built cover are constructed from rugged polypropylene, which assures long life in the harsh marine environment. The polypropylene cover prevents the sun from damaging monofilament leaders. Tubs are used primarily for the storage of hook line leaders. However they are equally useful for storing buoy line leaders. All metal components including the wire tracks are made from high quality stainless steel. Snaps are attached to the wire tracks and after laying the leader lines in the tubs, the hook is attached to the the snap by passing the hook point through either the snap or the swivel, guaranteeing quick and trouble-free access to the leaders. Approx. Size 49" Long x 37" Wide x 33" High. Weight 50 lbs.  Holds approx. 430 leaders. Order Description:
L/P Hook Tub