High Flyer Poles

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Telescoping High Flyer Poles
Custom made high flyer poles constructed from marine grade aluminum pipe. Stainless steel hardware. All holes pre-drilled and ready to go. Order Description:
Telescoping High Flyer Poles
Straight  Aluminum Pipe
  Marine grade aluminum pipe in 10’ and 20’ sections. 1 ¼" OD pipe fits inside 1 ½" OD pipe. Order Description:
1 1/4" OD Pipe
1 1/2" OD Pipe
(Please specify 10ft. or 20 ft. Length)
30 lb. Counter Weight for High Flyer Poles
30 lb. lead weight with 1 ¼" OD Aluminum pipe for mounting to 1 ½" base of high flyer pole. Mounting holes pre-drilled. Order Description:
30 lb. Counter Weight
Spar Buoys
Scanmarin inflatable spar buoy. Designed with a hole through the center of the buoy. 1 1/2" hole collapses when inflated to hold pole. Soft red PVC construction. Inflate with a regular tipped air nozzle. 
Size Diameter Buoyancy
BB50 14" 64 lbs. (29KG)
BB60 19" 121 lbs. (55KG)
Order Description:
BB50 Spar Buoy
BB60 Spar Buoy
Radar Reflectors
16" Radar Reflector. Constructed from marine grade aluminum. Mounting clamps included. Order Description:
Radark Radar Reflector
6 volt Strobe Lights
ACR high quality 6 VDC strobe. Visible for over three miles. Uses a single 6 volt screw top battery. Order Description:
A3 Strobe Light
2 Battery Strobe Light
2 "D" Cell pole strobe with 1 1/2" Pipe threaded base. Contains photoelectric cell that turns unit on at dusk, and off at daylight. Alternates white strobe and red LED lights. Visible for up to 2 miles. Order Description:
DYX-285 Strobe Light
Single Battery Strobe Light
Small strobe operates on 1 "D" Cell Battery (Not included) Visible for up to 1 mile. Overall length is 5 1/4". Ideal for smaller high flyer poles where weight may be an issue. Order Description:
CH-200 Strobe Light
510S Battery for A3 Strobe
Eveready Model 501S Screw top battery. Ideal for use with A3 strobes and man overboard lights. 12 units per case. Order Description:
510S 6 volt Battery