Electric Motors

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Scott 1/4 HP, 12VDC Electric Motor
12 VDC continuous duty, water resistant motor with mounting bracket. 5/8" shaft with keyway. 1150 RPM, 19 amp draw under normal loading. Reversible. Order Description:
Scott 1/4HP Motor 12VDC

Also available in 24VDC model
Pulley for Scott 1/4HP Motors
Small motor pulleys for electric belt drive bottom reels. Aluminum construction with 5/8" bore and set screw. Available in 1 1/2", 2" and 2 1/2" diameter. Order Description:
Aluminum Motor Pulley
(Please specify pulley size)
Scott 3/4 HP, 12VDC Electric Motor
12VDC 3/4HP motor for pot haulers and direct drive bottom reels. 5/8" shaft will mount to Boston Series 700 gear boxes. 3450 RPM Order Description:
Scott 3/4HP Electric Motor
Scott 1 HP, 12 VDC Electric Motor
12 VDC 1HP motor for pot haulers and direct drive bottom reels. 5/8" shaft will mount to Boston Series 700 gear boxes. 1800 RPM Order Description:
Scott 1 HP Electric Motor
Peterson Black Motor
Re-wound generator motor. 12 VDC. Reverse rotation available. 1000 RPM Order Description:
Peterson Black Motor
Peterson Blue Motor
Re-wound generator motor. 12 VDC. Reverse rotation available. 1300 RPM Order Description:
Peterson Blue Motor
Peterson Red Motor
Re-wound generator motor. 12 VDC. Reverse rotation available. 1500 RPM Order Description:
Peterson Red Motor
Peterson Motor Pulley
Solid bronze construction.  5/8" shaft. 2" diameter Order Description:
Peterson Motor Pulley
Kingfish Reel Motor
12 VDC two speed motor. Includes drive pulley. Order Description:
Replacement Motor for Kingfish Reel
Scott Motor Brush Plate
Brush plate fits all Scott 12VDC electric motors Order Description:
Scott Motor Brush Plate